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My Treasured Photo Album
by David Hetrick

A precious photo album have I, a favored book.
Every day I turn its pages to ponder and to look.

A portrait of my Savior unfolds on every leaf;

His eyes of compassion soothe away any grief.

His nail-pierced hands reach out and beckon me

His heart of loving kindness overwhelms my thirsty soul.

From beginning to end, a story is told

In rhyming hues and prints so bold.

ON THE VERY FIRST PAGE He is pictured with His Father

creating all things and building a world.

Later on He became one of us, a helpless human baby;

Yet see how his presence transforms a lowly stable.

Beyond all doubt, this is the most familiar of all reprints.

Then I see him as a child

in His adopted earthly father's carpenter shop

Helping him build

but knowing His mission is to build the lives of men.

ON THIS PAGE He appears as a boy of twelve

obeying His Father in Heaven

and astounding the learned men of earth.

THIS SET OF THREE PRINTS is a wonderful display

of His endurance in temptation.

In #1 He pauses amid stones that appear as loaves bread

In #2 on the dizzying height of the temple spire;

In #3 on a high mountain overlooking the world's kingdoms

Not once did He yield.

What a comfort to know He is near when I am tried.

SEE HIM HERE as He walks on the water

and calms the wind and waves.

How reassuring to know He is Master of every situation in my life.

THIS ONE always touches my heart.

See how He blesses the little children

as they eagerly press in around Him.

"Except you become as one of these..." He said.

I like to picture myself as one of them.

AND HERE He is seen in His role as Good Shepherd

cradling a tiny lamb in His strong, gentle arms

safe and secure from all alarms.

THERE He communes with Moses and Elijah.

See how His face glows like the sun.

THESE TWO PRINTS display his mercy and forgiveness.

In this one by the side of the well

He convinces a woman of her sin.

In the other, He graciously pardons a woman

condemned by unjust men.

HERE He speaks to a crowd of 5000 or more

and nourishes them plentifully, body and soul.

ON THE NEXT PAGE a very solemn and tender scene

greets my sighing eye:

See the comforting angel who comes to strengthen Him

as He kneels in the garden with the burden of my sin

and the sins of all the world upon Him.

Then He is seen standing alone in the judgment hall---

no one to defend Him.

And oh, how my soul within me will cry

reviewing how He was condemned to die.

It breaks my heart to see Him grieving so;

To think it was for me He suffered shame and disgrace

at the hands of wicked men;

Yet He forgives -- for I was one of them.

Even in the midst of agony and pain

His gracious invitation to Paradise is extended to a penitent thief.

THIS NEXT PICTURE is truly a postcard scene.

Such brilliant color!

It is Resurrection Morning!! It is an empty tomb!

and a triumphant risen Lord!

Notice how the cross remaining there on the horizon has been

transformed into a glorious symbol of love and grace and life.


an immense panorama filling two whole pages.

Here He is with his entire family

all assembled together for this special portrait.

The is Yahweh/God, the Father

There's Yahshua/Jesus, His faithful Son

And look at all the angels.

There are the saints of ages past, and here are many more

of just men made perfect

(but not just men --- there are women too)

I can imagine that's me there,

the tiny speck in the lower right corner.


See his eyes of flaming fire.

See His clothing of pure, shining, white light.

What a portrayal of perfect power!

Ultimately, I see Him enthroned with his Father

there in rainbow--encircled majestic grandeur.

As I gaze in awe, I hear Him say, "You will sit with Me".

Many more scenes I could describe as I close the book and sigh.

These are not mere memories of days gone by,

But true revelations of his love drawing nigh.




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