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THE GREATEST LOVE STORY ever told is about a King who left His beautiful castle and went to the prison house where His bride-to-be was being held captive by a great red dragon. The battle was fierce and blood was spilled by the King, but He wounded the great red dragon.
By and by the King returned. This time He brought His army with Him to fight with the dragon, while he rescued His beloved, and took her with Him back to His castle.
The King is Jesus, the Divine Son of God Most high.
The castle is the City of God in the sky.
The great red dragon is satan, the devil.
The prison house is the world.
The army is the host of angels.
The bride-to-be is the true Church, the saints of God.
This true story began in the courts of a beautiful golden City of God, the castle beyond space, where Yeshua/Jesus, the King laid aside His royal robes and began His descent to earth, the prison house, to live in a mortal body.
“Then said I, Lo, I come; in the volume of the Book it is written of Me. I delight to do Your will, My God, for Your law is within my heart.” — Psalm 40:7,8
Down He came into our galaxy… to our solar system… then to our little earth… to the land of Israel… and finally to the little town of Bethlehem…to take on the form of a servant and be made in the likeness of men. This royal King from a kingdom far away lived among us as one of us. He taught us to love God and to love one another and live without sinning against God. (John 8:11)
"For God so loved the people of this world that He gave His only begotten Son, and all who believe in Him will not die, but live forever. "I AM the Good Shepherd, I know my sheep, and My sheep know me… and I lay down my life for the sheep… My sheep hear my voice, and I know them and they follow me. " — John 10:14, 15, 27
"I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father but by Me." — John 14:6
But before Jesus could bring his bride to the Father He had to suffer and die to pay the penalty for the sins of a rebellious and disobedient race, that opposed and violated God's law. That's you and me. We were slaves to sin, held captive by satan the great red dragon. (Rev 12:3) Justice declares that violating God's law brings destruction and death to the sinner, while Mercy pleads for the sinner and offers a ransom. (Psa 85:10)
One dark night a band of men and officers from the religious leaders came with lanterns and weapons to find Jesus. One of His own disciples, inspired by satan, led the band to Him. He betrayed with a kiss the One who was sent to save him.
So they bound Jesus like a criminal and led Him to the High Priest. He was questioned by Caiaphas, and questioned by Pilate who also ordered Him to be scourged. The soldiers thrust a crown of sharp thorns down on his head, they hit him, spit on him and mocked Him. In all of this Jesus did not defend himself nor speak.
Pilate could find no fault in Him, and presented Him to the crowd again. Then from the pit of hell itself a huge demon appeared to use the crowd as his instruments to work his merciless and fiendish plans on Jesus, the humble sufferer as they screamed, “crucify Him, crucify Him.”
So dealing with the forces of darkness and destruction as well as the heavy responsibility for the sins and sorrows of mankind He was led away to be crucified.
They pierced His hands and His feet with nails and placed Him on a cross between two thieves, and there was darkness over the land for 3 hours.
After having been nailed to the cross, Jesus cried out, “Father, forgive them, because they do not know what they are doing.” What great love-He was praying for those who tortured Him. Finally He said, “It is finished” and bowed his head and died. His friends (part of His bride-to-be) laid His body in a new tomb.
“He poured out His soul unto death, and He bore the sin of many, and made intercession for transgressors.” — Isa 53:12
Now the best part of the story is what happened on the third day. There was an earthquake, a bright angel that looked like lightning rolled away the stone from the tomb, so everyone could see it was empty. Death could have no power over the Giver of Life. The King had triumphed over the great red dragon! Jesus had risen triumphant over sin and death!! He is alive today having paid the price for your sin, because He loves you.
But knowing all this will not get you to Heaven. The city of Heaven is reserved for those who forsake sin and follow Jesus, for those who have repented by praying:
“Jesus, I believe You died on the cross in my place, I ask you now to forgive me and take my sins away, help me to live for You, and prepare me to live in Heaven, Your City beyond space.”
To all who will receive Him, He will give power to become the sons of God.
The true beauty of the story is this, that Jesus the only begotten Son the King of Heaven being obedient to the will of His Father, came to rescue His bride-to-be from captivity. His love for her was so great that He gladly submitted to the battle. Victorious at last, yet bearing the scars, He set her free
The bride’s response is to love Him in return for all He has done for her and commit herself in loyal adoration to His guiding hand. For by dying on the cross, Jesus made the way that leads from the spiritual darkness of this world to the land of peace and light -----
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